Thursday, January 1, 2009

BBClone - A PHP based Web Counter

BBclone is a web counter written in PHP and gives a detailed view of the visitors of your web site by displaying the nth last users (and the data they provided, like their IP, browser and so on) that visited the web site, not just showing a number of visitors. This is very handy for webmasters that want to see who is visiting their sites, what browser people use, where they came from etc.

For each visitor, BBClone can display
IP address,
operating system,
referring URL (where do they come from),
visit date,
number of time the visitor has loaded the page,
number of visitor
the visited pages in the order someone viewed them
the last visited page
the search engine query that lead to your site (if applicable)
ranking of the most frequent countries, referrers, OS, browsers, robots, page views and hostnames.

It can be downloadable from


Free counter for site said...

Its great to know about this web counter.I think using PHP based counters has many benefits.PHP page counters give you ample information on what order the visitors are accessing pages and what they prefer.They are not at all depended on the browser configuration and as a result they are capable of presenting you the best results.

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